If you’ve been listening to kaizen for a while, you probably know I like to run experiments every once in a while. And today’s episode is one of those for many reasons. First of all, because this is the first time I record in English, and honestly, I don’t know if I will do it again. But to make sure nobody gets lost, I’ve made two versions: this one, that you’re listening to, in English, and another in Spanish, which should be available in your podcast app, so you can choose how to listen to it.
In case that wasn’t experimental enough, I decided that for the Spanish version, I would use an artificial intelligence to dub my guest. So, if you listen to that one, you’ll hear two voices: mine, dubbing myself in Spanish, and another one that is also mine but that an artificial intelligence has more or less transformed into the voice of a famous British actress, whose name I won’t mention to avoid any problem.
Now… you might be asking yourself, why all this mess? Well, for two main reasons: first, I have a knack for experimenting with things, and I wanted to see how this worked in English. The second reason is a much better one: I believe my guest deserved it. Because Frédéric Mazzella is one of the most important tech entrepreneurs in Europe. He is the creator of BlaBlaCar, where, as you know, I worked, and he has recently published a book that has just been released in Spain about his incredible entrepreneurial journey. But beyond that, we talked as well about many other topics: about what he learned from music—because he is a very talented pianist—about his time as a researcher, about Silicon Valley, and even about Indian techno music. I swear, I didn’t see that one coming.
Having said all that, I hope you enjoy this conversation with Frédéric Mazzella.
About Fred
- His Wikipedia page
- His book: Mission BlaBlaCar (in Spanish: Misión BlaBlaCar)
- His new project: Captain Cause
Libros recomendados:
- Andrew Grove – Only The Paranoid Survive
- Ben Horowitz – The Hard Thing About Hard Things (in Spanish: Emprender y liderar una startup: el duro camino hasta el éxito)
- Jim Collins – Built to last (in Spanish: Empresas que perduran)
- Simon Sinek – Start with Why (in Spanish: Empieza con el porqué)
- Erin Meyer & Reed Hastings – No rules rules (in Spanish: Aquí no hay reglas)
- Jules Verne – Michel Strogoff (in Spanish: Julio Verne – Miguel Strogoff)
- Jules Vallés – L’Enfant (in Spanish: El niño)
- Gustave Flaubert – Madame Bovary (in Spanish: Madame Bovary)
Personas mencionadas:
- Albert Einstein
- Isaac Newton
- Victor Hugo
- Andrew S. Grove
- Ben Horowitz
- Jim Collins
- Simon Sinek
- Reed Hastings
- Jules Verne
- Jules Vallés
- Emile Zola
- Frédéric Chopin
- Maurice Ravel
- Serguéi Rajmáninov
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- U2 (banda)
- Daft Punk
- Selena Gómez
- Billie Eilish
- Bred Meldau
- Keith Jarrett
- Karsh Kale
Episode’s image: BlaBlaCar
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